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4 Simple Ways To Boost Confidence On Business Travel

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

For business people may often feel that they’ve got the odds stacked against them when it comes to getting stuff done. You don’t have a ‘home team’ advantage, you’ve got to travel with all the stress that involves and you must perform in new surroundings. This post outlines 4 really simple ways that you can ensure that you boost your confidence while on business travel.

Start by looking in the Mirror

If you look right odds are you half way to being right. Conversely, if you look wrong, there’s little way that you’ll achieve what you set out to. So, start by looking in the mirror and dressing appropriately. This will mean looking professional, authoritative and simple. Power ties, may be out but consider what your outfit says about you. Do you feel comfortable, look good and believe that you fit the role you’ve set out for yourself. If the answer to any of these questions is no, you will definitely not be confident, so change it.

Listen, to yourself

You need to know how your communication style sounds to others. Do you encourage by your style or are people scared of you? Try and strike the balance and empathize with your subordinates.

Your communication style should be assertive and inspire confidence. This is not a straightforward challenge as you must understand how you come across in a busy conference, one-on-one and with subordinates.

Lead your team

Good leaders will be able to spot talent in team members. Rather than being threatened by it, they will be able to develop it, promote it and most of all lead it. This does not stop you from being the leader but does mean that you should be able to get more from your team and they’ll be working for you. All of this will build your own confidence.

You should also be comfortable with rewarding talent. This can take many forms and only you will know exactly what is appropriate but rewarding subordinates is a great booster of confidence and one of the real pleasures of being a leader.

Broaden your horizons

The more new experiences you are exposed to the more likely that you will be confident in yet more new environments. So make a habit of gaining exposure to new things and hearing new ideas. .

We know that you’re a busy high achiever and we hope that this short post gives you a few ideas to boost your confidence . Griffin Transportation is a Chauffeur Service based in Vancouver, BC, who aims to provide: The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction”. With Griffin you can rest assured that we will provide you with the very best possible service, tailored to your needs not just locally but, through our carefully selected affiliates, worldwide. Call us today for your corporate travel needs.

Posted on Feb 20 2014

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