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5 Healthy Habits for Executive Travelers to Adopt Today

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

Executive travel is not great for your health. On the lighter side, your diet and rest levels can suffer from the turbulence accompanied by being on the road. Some unfortunate traveling executives can suffer from much more serious complaints, ranging from alcoholism to high blood pressure. Executive travel does not have to be bad for you; if you make informed choices and keep a focus on your own well being, you should find that your health will not unduly suffer. That’s why today’s post brings you a list of 5 simple things that an executive traveler should do to stay in great shape.

1. Be Prepared

Schedules are always changing, if you do find you have an unforeseen break for something healthy in your day it would be a crime to waste it. Keep some exercise kit in your travel suitcase so you’ll always be able to exercise in an unforeseen break from in your routine again.

2. Give and Take

It is going to be challenging to eat absolutely the right thing while on the road, so adopt an attitude of give and take. If you have to eat something large, like an organized dinner, ensure that you ‘give’ on something later, I.E. eat a smaller or healthier meal the next day. This goes for both quantity and quality of food and must be pragmatic but, importantly, followed through on; if you have to grab some fast food just make sure you compensate later – have a salad and hit the gym later that day.

3. Never Overlook Sleep

Your sleep is vital; it’s how your body repairs itself. Sadly, sleep is one of the first things road warriors compromise on, leading to exhaustion, lack of concentration and others aspects of your healthy routine being forgotten. You need to get into a routine while travelling that allows you to sleep well, regardless of where you are. Some turn to Yoga, others to mediation or books, whatever works ensure you value your sleep and maintain a travelling lifestyle that supports it.

4. Steer Clear of Excessive Alcohol

Alcohol can be a great comforter; a way of dealing with the stress of situation, facilitating rest and providing a release after a hard day’s work. It is all of these things but also a great risk. It can lead to many inter-connected health problems and, in the longer run, compound many of the problems that it is being used to deal with. It’s an area that is best dealt with by professional medical assistance if you think it is a problem.

5. Willpower

The lack of control over your own destiny is one of the most significant stress inducing factors associated with executive travel. You can’t control flight delays or sometimes even where you stay. Having the will power to take action over what aspects you do control will make your trip both more pleasant and less stressful. This means you must learn cut off business activity at a certain point in the day and stick to things that help you to stay productive, such as limousine transportation.

We hope that these tips go some small way to make your executive travel more manageable and less of a strain on your body and mind. Griffin Transportation sees every day the toll traveling takes on out outstanding executives, as a ground transportation company we can offer you one certainty in your business travel: our limousine service offers the “Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction.” We will place your personal needs first, ensuring your trip is as stress free and productive as possible. Based in Vancouver, B.C., we would love to hear from you and stand ready to provide any ground transportation service possible.

Posted on Oct 04 2013

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