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Business Travel Hacks

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

Business travel tests even the best of us. There is more than enough to worry about without the actual travel being a central concern when you on the road. This short post gives you the must-know aspects of business travel that will make your life better on your next trip.

Get the right card

If you’re going to be accumulating miles and points all year round you should be receiving the potential benefits. The best solution would be to get a corporate credit card, if you can. This means that all the spending that you do to support your company will be accompanied by benefits for you. If you must spend you own money and claim back later then at least separate this from your personal finances with a business card and ensure that you’re getting some special benefit for doing this. Lastly, make sure that whatever the associated advantages (lounges, discounts etc) satisfy your situation and travel needs.

Take charge of your destiny

Part of the stress of business travel can be the lack of control – no control over where you stay, who you fly with and sometimes even when. You can and should play a more active part. In a small company, you could offer to take charge of booking the travel. In a larger firm, you should invest time in building a relationship with your travel manager. The result will be the same: more control.

Check in late

If you’re one of the last to check in, you significantly increase the chance that you will be able to score a hotel upgrade. This is because most of the auto upgrades get filled early but by midafternoon you may find a sympathetic check in agent that you can sweet talk.

One often overlooked aspect of business travel is the ground transportation – here we can help. Griffin Transportation is a Vancouver, BC, based company that aims to provide: “The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction”.With Griffin you can rest assured that our expert staff can provide you with the very best possible service, tailored to your green needs not just locally but, through our carefully selected affiliates, worldwide.

Posted on May 07 2014

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