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How To Get Attendee’s Attention

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

There is so much going on all the time that to actually get someone’s attention for a moment is a real challenge. You’ve got emails, texts, social media and many other channels that are all bombarding for your potential attendee. If you can’t get them to take notice of you message, there will be no chance that they’ll attend. This quick post gives you a few ideas how to actually get people to sit up and listen.

Respect and Strategy

With so much ‘noise’ today, people just have to ignore a lot of it, or else they’re overwhelmed. The simple rule is that you need to be worth paying attention to. This means having a strategy that is deeper than just getting noticed. It also means, ensuring that you respect your potential audience.

When attempting to get people’s attention, you must have first established what the mutual benefit in your communication actually is. It’s about plain old quality. If you’re concise, clear, and timely and you’re offering people something they actually want, it’s very likely they’ll pay attention. Conversely, if you ramble, don’t make the benefit clear, or you offer something that people don’t need at the moment, no one will listen.

Ditch the distractions

The key to actually getting through to people is choosing a time and a place when they’re not likely to be distracted. You need to balance this with a time that they’re not going to feel intruded upon. Mid week is a safe bet and perhaps later in the day but each industry is different.

When you finish communicating with someone, it’s important to give them a take-away point. This should be something simple, memorable and easy for them to act on. Perhaps most important of all, after you’re done you need to make it really simple for them to follow up, perhaps even offer them an incentive for doing so. For example you could offer an early bird’s discount to encourage participation.

We hope that this short insight is both useful and informative. We know that the event business is a demanding one and while, we cannot provide you with all the answers, we can offer you outstanding luxury ground transportation to support your event. Griffin Transportation offer guaranteed luxury, efficiency and a punctual arrival in Vancouver, BC or through our affiliates worldwide. We have one simple goal to provide the “Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction” to our many valued customers. We’d love for you to become one of our valued these; call us today to get the process started.

Posted on Mar 09 2014

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