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Make Your Email Excellent

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

Effective email communication is without doubt a critical part of being successful in any business undertaking. It’s also a critical way to find new customers, cultivate relationships and guide subordinates. So it’s funny that very few of us have ever been taught how to email properly. This short post gives you a few cardinal rules to make your email more effective.

1.              Consider the reader

When writing an email, even a circular, it’s possible to forget that on the receiving end is a person. Successful email will take into account their knowledge level, interest and ability with a particular subject. Similarly, if your email is trying to get somebody to do something, you need to be clear about what the benefit for them will be. Don’t just write; write to somebody.

2.              Less is more

If your text is not well spaced, sentences are long and the amount of text is not kept to a minimum, your email is less likely to be read, digested and actioned. Never go over 500 words or 5 lines without a break on a normal monitor. If you have more detail for somebody just tell them where to go to find out more. You can use bullets, bold text and headings to make the content easier to follow.

3.              Set conditions

All email is not equal. Some email requires a response; don’t send these too close to weekends or holidays. Others contain useful information; this can be best digested in the afternoon. And lastly some email contains fragments information could be combined into one, perhaps later, email.

4.              Be clear about the next step

The second from last thing you write (the last is, of course a warm salutation), should make it totally clear what it is that you want the reader to do and by when. Really spell it out using the first person if necessary – ‘I expect’ (for direction) vs ‘it would be good if somebody could’. You can make the likelihood of things being achieved by scheduling updates on major jobs and ensuring that you keep track of who has read your email.

We know that you’re a busy high achiever and we hope that this short post gives you a few ideas to boost your email efficiency. Griffin Transportation is a Chauffeur Service based in Vancouver, BC, who aims to provide: “The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction”.With Griffin you can rest assured that we will provide you with the very best possible service, tailored to your needs not just locally but, through our carefully selected affiliates, worldwide. Call us today for all your corporate travel needs.

Posted on May 14 2014

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