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Our Simple Guide to De-Stressing at the End of a Long Day

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

If you feel worried or anxious every once in a while, you can rest assured that everyone has faced such periods in their lives. However, if you’re constantly feeling on the verge of a breakdown, you’ll need to address your stress levels as soon as possible. Our Vancouver car service chauffeurs often spend several hours in a driving position manoeuvring through traffic, so they definitely understand the toll it can take on their minds and bodies.


In the short-term, the effects of stress are still not as apparent, but once it’s prolonged, both our mental and physical health can suffer from some serious consequences. You might constantly fall sick, lose your appetite or eat too much, and even suffer from insomnia. Now that you have a better idea of just how stress can affect your live, let’s take a look at what you can do to unwind:


Avoid Screens Before Bedtime

It’s pretty normal to look at screens in our daily lives, be it at work, or just answering messages or going online. However, research has shown that staring at a bright screen (specifically those emitting blue light), can actually disrupt your sleeping pattern. If you’re already having problems falling asleep, you’ll want to put your electronic gadgets aside at least a couple of hours before bedtime.


Just Smile

Have you ever realized just how happy and healthy people are when they constantly smile? Well, science has proven time and time again that the simple act of lifting both corners of our mouth upwards signals our body to release feel-good neurotransmitters. These help to lower our heart rate and blood pressure levels, and we can more easily unwind and relax.


Treat Yourself

A little something sweet, salty, or savoury never hurt anyone, and if you’re indulging in moderation, you’ll soon realize just how happy you feel right after. Of course, there’s also a scientific explanation to all this, and it’s mainly that when we indulge in something we like, our body is instantly triggered to release serotonin, a really useful hormone for boosting our mood and decreasing our stress levels.


Exercise Daily

This is pretty much a no-brainer, but it’s also something we can easily forget to do when we get caught up in our daily activities. It’s definitely an important activity to include for both our mental and physical well-being, and it’s always best to find a workout that you’re comfortable with that you can easily do every day. If you’re not up for exercising in public, you can always do some simple exercise at home instead.


Listen to Relaxing Music

Got a couple of favorite tunes you listen to to unwind? Well, we all have our own preferences, but research has shown that we reap more benefits from slower tunes, and that’s mainly a lowered heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure levels. You can easily turn on the radio to your favorite station while you’re on the road, but to truly unwind, you can always depend on our Vancouver ground transportation service.


Just let us know what kind of songs you prefer to listen to and sit back and relax while our experienced chauffeurs do all the work. We’ll love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Posted on Jul 17 2018

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