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Relevance: The Key To A Great Event

The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction

This week’s post focuses on some ideas to help you create much better events by making them more relevant to attendees. Relevance is, after all, the thing that will get attendees to attend in the first place by answering the question” “what’s in this for me?”. It’s then the thing that will engage them when they’re there. So read on for some tips about getting this right.

Use shuttle time to the full

Many people will wonder why they’re visiting an event, not at the event itself but during the grueling travel required to get there. The one aspect of this an event organizer can help with is the shuttle time. This is your time but more importantly you don’t want it to be wasted attendee time, so seize it.

Enable connection

Let’s be clear about one thing: many people attend your event to network – this is the massive and universal benefit of all events. So make this easy: give people something to talk about, break the ice and give people time to network. You should have the attendee list with relevant information to hand and on the event app and you should let people know how to find each other.

Local, regional and relevant

There is nothing more relevant to people than the place they’re in. The event organizer’s challenge is delivering this local color in a fun, helpful and beneficial way. Local food is always well received, but go that extra mile by taking a little time to explain some of the background; where, for example, are the vegetables procured from. But don’t forget history and even the building that you’re in.

Infinitely Customize

A way of guaranteeing relevance is to give people exactly what they need. How? Ask them and then be responsive to individual needs and desires. Send out a survey to attendees post registration and post event. Questions should extend beyond conference topics and speakers; ask them what they want to eat, drink and how they want to celebrate afterwards.

We can help you put together a great event transport plan. Griffin Transportation is a Vancouver, BC, based company that aims to provide: “The Ultimate in Safety, Service and Satisfaction”. With Griffin you can rest assured that our expert staff can provide you with the very best possible service, tailored to your needs not just locally but, through our carefully selected affiliates, worldwide.

Posted on Apr 02 2014

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